Леонова Ольга Николаевна


NS02-04 ClinicalTrials.gov

Статус: Completed
Фаза:  не указано
Начало: 16 октября 2020 г.
Окончание: 10 декабря 2024 г.
Описание: The main aim of this study is to establish disease-oriented biobank to facilitate research in biology of the lumbar disc degeneration. Diverse biological samples (whole blood, plasma, disc tissue) along with MRI imaging, clinical, socio-demographic and various omics data (e.g. genomic and transcriptomic) will be available for researchers and clinicians for a variety of further multi-omics studies. It will lay the groundwork for the development of early diagnostics of DDD and its personalized treatment. The study is planned to enroll up to 1,100 patients with different grades of lumbar disc degeneration. It is planned to recruit patients within 36 months.
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