Котов Сергей Викторович


EA22019SCI ClinicalTrials.gov

Статус: Completed
Фаза: N/A
Начало: 18 ноября 2019 г.
Окончание: 4 января 2020 г.
Описание: This study will evaluate the ExoAtlet II exoskeleton for safety and effectiveness of providing persons with a spinal cord injury (SCI) who are non-ambulatory or have limited ambulatory function, to stand up and ambulate under a variety of conditions.
смотреть на ClinicalTrials.gov

EA22019SCI ClinicalTrials.gov

Статус: Completed
Фаза: N/A
Начало: 18 ноября 2019 г.
Окончание: 4 января 2020 г.
Описание: This study will evaluate the ExoAtlet II exoskeleton for safety and effectiveness of providing persons with a spinal cord injury (SCI) who are non-ambulatory or have limited ambulatory function, to stand up and ambulate under a variety of conditions.
смотреть на ClinicalTrials.gov