Бохян Бениамин Юрикович


AMAP2021-7-2 ClinicalTrials.gov

Статус: Recruiting
Фаза: Phase 2/Phase 3
Начало: 10 января 2022 г.
Окончание: 1 декабря 2024 г.
Описание: Two cycles of neoadjuvant three-component chemotherapy according to the MAP prototoc: Doxorubicin 25 mg / m2 IV on days 1-3, Cisplatin 120 mg / m2 IV on day 1 against the background of hyperhydration. G-CSF support from 4 to 13 days. Methotrexate 12 g / m2 at 28 and 35 days IV with leucovorin 60 mg / m2 in the first 5 days after each administration of methotrexate. The interval between cycles is 42 days. The advantage of this regimen is to use the three-component chemotherapy regimen, which should increase the degree of tumor necrosis and increase the rate of tumor response to treatment, which will further improve the disease prognosis. Currently, the use of such treatment for adult patients (over 24 years old) is controversial. Since it is believed that the elimination of methotrexate in adult patients is more delayed than in patients under 24 years old, and can lead to serious adverse events (SAE). However, the use of modern standard methods of hemodialysis makes it possible to avoid SAE.
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