Новик Алексей Викторович


MMM-1 ClinicalTrials.gov

Статус: Terminated
Фаза: Phase 2
Начало: 1 апреля 2014 г.
Окончание: 31 декабря 2018 г.
Описание: Treatment of disseminated melanoma is still a difficult issue. Obvious achievements of recent years proves efficacy of immunologic approachees in this field. The ability of melatonin and metformin to decrease metabolic immunosuppression was shown in many experimental studies. Some literature data confirm the possibility of increasing efficacy of melatonin with dacarbazine (DTIC) and metformin with DTIC combinations. We hypothesized that this combinations could be more effective than DTIC monotherapy in terms of response rate and time to progression.
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AAAA-A18-118032890188-9 ClinicalTrials.gov

Статус: Recruiting
Фаза:  не указано
Начало: 1 сентября 1998 г.
Окончание: 1 декабря 2030 г.
Описание: The investigators will collect biosamples of patient blood and tumour tissue for further immunological analysis of blood cell subpopulations, immunosupressive factors concentration, HLA expression an lymphocytes and tumour tissue, and and cancer testis antigenes expression on tumour cells, as well as clinical data on patient's stage, therapy, response and demographics. Possible prognostic and predictive dynamic biomarkers will be discovered for individualisation of treatment strategies
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