Морозов Вячеслав Геннадьевич


RXA-II-III-Chol-2022 ClinicalTrials.gov

ГРЛС Многоцентровое сравнительное рандомизированное исследование по подбору оптимального режима дозирования и оценки безопасности и эффективности препарата РЕМАКСА®, таблетки, покрытые кишечнорастворимой оболочкой, производства ООО «НТФФ «ПОЛИСАН» (Россия) в сравнении с препаратом РЕМАКСОЛ®, раствор для инфузий, у пациентов с синдромом внутрипеченочного холестаза при хронических диффузных заболеваниях печени
Статус: Recruiting
Фаза: Phase 2/Phase 3
Начало: 27 мая 2023 г.
Окончание: 15 июня 2025 г.
Описание: Chronic diffuse liver disease implies liver damage of various origin - viral hepatitis, the effect of xenobiotics (alcohol, drugs, medications, industrial toxins), metabolic disorders, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Intrahepatic cholestasis syndrome, or bile retention, occurs in 11-55% of cases of diffuse chronic liver diseases, usually leads to a worsening of the liver disease, a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment. The drug REMAXOL® is a solution for infusion, which has shown high effectiveness in the syndrome of intrahepatic cholestasis in cases of liver dysfunction due to acute or chronic damage. The study drug REMAXA® enteric-coated tablets is a hybrid drug which contains the same active metabolites as REMAXOL, i.e. inosine, methionine, nicotinamide, and succinic acid. The purpose of this study is to select the optimal dose and dosage regimen followed by evaluation safety and efficacy of REMAXA®, enteric-coated tablets, in comparison with REMAXOL®, solution for infusion, in patients who suffer from chronic diffuse liver diseases and have intrahepatic cholestasis.
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